For the systemic growth of the Smart Grid in the country, India Smart Grid Task Force and India Smart Grid Forum have been set up under the aegis of the Ministry of Power. The main functions of the Smart Grid Task Force is to ensure awareness, co-ordination and integration of the diverse activities related to Smart Grid technologies, practices and services for Smart Grid Research and Development; Co-ordinate and integrate other relevant inter-governmental activities, Collaborate on interoperability frame work, Review and validate the recommendations from Smart Grid Forum etc. It is an Inter-Ministerial Group and will serve as Government’s focal point for activities related to smart grid.
India Smart Grid Forum is a non-profit voluntary consortium of public and private stakeholders, research institutes and selected utilities with the prime objective of accelerating development of Smart Grid technologies in India Power Sector. The goal of the Forum is to help the Indian power sector to deploy Smart Grid technologies in an efficient, cost-effective, innovative and scalable manner by bringing together all the key stakeholders and enabling technologies. The India Smart Grid Forum will coordinate and cooperate with relevant global and Indian bodies to leverage global experience and standards where ever available or helpful, and will highlight any gaps in the same from an Indian perspective.
Joint Forest Management- Care and Share Approach
The Joint Forest Management approach has been adopted in about one third of the forests in our country and more than 14.5 million families are now partners in the forest management. What started as a vision in National Forest Policy of 1988 has become a reality and is making a difference in the lives of millions of poor people with ‘Care and Share approach’.
2011 : International Year of Forests
The UN General Assembly has proclaimed the year 2011 as the International Year of Forests. In order to have the synergetic effect of all the efforts presently undertaken by different stakeholders in our country, the Ministry of Environment and Forests organized the ‘First Indian Forest Congress, 2011’. The central theme of this 4-Day Congress is ‘Forests in a Changing World’.
Launch of Weather Satellite Mission
The Government has recently launched a Megha-Tropiques weather satellite mission on 12th October 2011 for improved understanding of weather and climate processes through obtaining reliable statistics of the water and energy budget in the tropical atmosphere so as to describe the evolution of its systems (monsoons and cyclones) at appropriate time scales. Thus, this mission provides opportunity to critically study water cycle of the tropical atmosphere in the context of climate variability and change. It will pass over India almost a dozen times every day, thus giving opportunity for an almost real- time assessment of the evolution of clouds.
India to Develop 10,000MW Hydro Power in Bhutan
ngoing cooperation between India and Bhutan in the hydropower sector is covered under the 2006 agreement on cooperation in Hydropower between the two countries and the Protocol to the 2006 agreement signed in March, 2009 thereof. Under the Protocol, Government of India has agreed to develop 10,000 MWs of hydropower in Bhutan for export of surplus power to India by 2020.
Power Saving through Bachat Lamp Yojana
The Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) scheme aims to distribute the Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to the households at a price equivalent to the price of the conventional incandescent Lamp (ICL) i.e. Rs.15 per lamp. Three types of ICL lamp wattages commonly in use viz. 40W, 60W and 100W are likely to be replaced by the CFL wattages of 9-10W, 12-15W and 20-23W respectively under the BLY scheme.
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Smart Grid
Smart grids use a combination of digital communication and digital control technology to despatch power with minimum loss. Power may be generated either centrally in large power stations operated by utilities or by local, small generators using green and renewable energy resources. The ‘smart' digital components communicate and compute the most efficient routes to despatch power to loads, resulting in a better quality of supply. The digital communication elements notify all parts of the grid rapidly in case of breakdowns so that alternative routes for power despatch may be computed. This combination of computation and communication is where the ‘smartness' of the smart grid lies. For the average Indian city, the development of the smart grid would mean better quality of power. Voltage and frequency fluctuations would be eliminated, especially the low voltage and frequency conditions of summer, making power outages and load-shedding relics of a dark past.