About Indian Postal Service
The Department of Posts, popularly known as India Post, is a government-operated postal system in India. As of March 2011, the Indian Postal Service has more than 150,000 post offices, of which around 90% are in rural areas. At the time of independence, there were 23,344 post offices, which were primarily in urban area. Thus the network has registered a sevenfold growth since independence, with the focus of the expansion primarily in rural areas. On an average, a post office serves an area of 21.23 sq;km and a population of 7,114 people. According to Wikipedia, this is the most widely distributed post office system in the world. The postal service comes under the Department of Posts which is a part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology under the Government of India. India has been divided into 22 postal circles, each circle headed by a Chief Postmaster General. Besides the 22 circles, there is a special Circle called the Base Circle to cater to the postal services of the Armed Forces of India. The Base Circle is headed by an Additional Director General, Army Postal Service holding the rank of a Major General.
About Postal and Sorting Assistant Recruitment 2012
The Department of Posts, Government of India had advertised a large number of vacancies for Postal and Sorting Assistants in different Postal circles of the country. It is going to be a dream recruitment drive by Department of posts, as huge number of vacancies have been advertised in different postal circles of the country.
Jammu Kashmir Postal Circle : 49
Punjab Postal Circle : 93
Harayana Postal Circle : 150
Delhi Postal Circle : 342
Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle : 97
Kerala Postal Circle : 180
Maharashtra Postal Circle : 97
Tamilnadu Postal Circle : 621
Uttarakhand Postal Circle : 83
Patna Post Office circle : 233
UP Post Office circle : 700
Rajasthan Post Office Circle : 149
Age Limit
Indian Post Recruitment is open for freshers and any one who is an India Citizen and full fill the below mentioned eligibility criteria can apply for Jobs in Indian Postal department. Candidates should have at least 18 years and a maximum age of 27 years as on 01-10-2012.
Educational Qualification
Candidates must posses the Minimum Educational qualifications in the form of at least 60 % marks in 12th Class 10 + 2). Candidates must have the knowledge of the Local Language of the state for which they are applying. Also candidates must have studied at least Hindi Language as a subject up to the level of Matriculation
Application Fee Details
An examination fee of Rs 200 will have to deposited in the post office of the Concerned Postal Circle.After depositing the fee, candidates are required to obtain ACG-67/UCR receipt.There is no fee for SC/ST/PH and Women candidates. Candidates are required to fill the prescribed Application form, by following the Instructions given in the Information Booklet and attach the Required Certificates, Documents and Fee Receipt with the application form and sent it to
Direct Recruitment Cell
New Delhi HO
New Delhi-1100010
on or before 01-10-2012 through Speed Post/Registered Post of India Post only. Last Date for Receipt of applications is 1st Oct, 2012 and for remote areas it is 11th October, 2012. For Complete Details, candidates are required to check the Detailed Advt of the Respective Postal circles.
Selection Process
Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Aptitude Test, Typing Test/Computer Test.
How to Apply
Eligible Candidates may apply through prescribed application format available at all Head Post offices and identified Post offices in the Circles. Dully filled application form along with Copies of relevant certificates and original receipt of ACG-67/UCR issued by the identified Post Office of this Circle towards payment of Examination fee have to be sent to
Direct Recruitment Cell,
New Delhi HO,
New Delhi-1100010
on or before 01-10-2012 through Speed Post/Registered Post of India Post only.
Instructions for Online Application
1. Log on to the India Post Official website (www.indiapost.gov.in) and click on the link marked as "Direct Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Examination "Register On-Line". under the Latest News column. On the New page, you have to register online by filling up the Registration form.The Registration form will have details such as Name, Date of Birth, Email ID and Alternate Email-ID.After filling the details, you have to click on the "SUBMIT" button.
2. After you click on the Submit button, the System will generate a conformation message on the Screen (Below the Registration form)The conformation message will read like this: "Your request has been submitted successfully and An Application Form & Instruction sheets will be sent to your email ID in next 24 hours."
3. Applicants are required to check their Email Inbox after 24 hours and Download the Application form and Instruction Sheet.The Instructions for further submitting the Post Office Application form is given on the Instruction sheet.
4. Here is the Direct Link to get Yourself Registered for Postal/Sorting Assistant Direct Recruitment Examination 2011-2012 - Click here
5. All applicants who have already applied using the OMR Application form obtained from Post-Office need not apply again.
Instructions for tracking the Application
1. To track the status of your already submitted application form, you have to follow the below mentioned steps
2. Log on to the India Post Official website (www.indiapost.gov.in)
3. click on the appropriate link for Tracking your application form online.Here is the Direct Link for Online Tracking.
4. After that you have to fill in your OMR Application No as it is printed in the OMR Application form and click on the "Get Status" Button.
Important Dates
Last Date for Sale of Application Closes: 25-09-2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 01-10-2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application (far flung areas): 11-10-2012