Nuclear Suppliers Group

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a multinational group of nuclear supplier countries with an aim of reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that  related to nuclear weapon development and improving safeguards and protection on existing  materials through the implementation of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports.  Guidelines of NSG are.
1. Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers - These include: (i) nuclear material; (ii) nuclear reactors  and equipment (iii) non-nuclear material for reactors; (iv) plant and equipment for the reprocessing, enrichment and conversion of nuclear material and for fuel fabrication and heavy water production; and (v) technology associated with each of the above items.
2. Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, Software and  related Technology.
The NSG Guidelines aim is to ensure that nuclear trade is done for peaceful purposes only and it does not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.

It was founded in 1974 in response to the Indian nuclear test. Initially the NSG had seven members: Canada, West Germany, France, Japan, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Currently it has 46 member countries. India is yet to join the NSG.