The National Development Council (NDC) is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, presided over by the Prime Minister. It was set up in 1952. The Council comprises the Prime Minister, the Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers of all States or their substitutes, representatives of the Union Territories and the members of the Commissions.
Ministers of State with independent charge are also invited to the deliberations of the Council.
It is an extra-constitutional and non-statutory body. Its status is advisory to Planning Commission but not binding.
It has been set up with three objectives
- to strengthen and mobilize the effort and resources of the nation in support of the Plan
- to promote common economic policies in all vital spheres and
- to ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country.
The 56th meeting of NDC was held on 22 October 2011 to consider the 12th Plan approach paper. The meeting was presided over by Dr Manmohan Singh Prime Minister of India. Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the Dy Chairman of Planning Commission.